The National Fusion Collaboratory Project (2001-2006) was funded by the U.S. DOE under the first round of SciDAC funding. Its goal was to develop general tools to create a persistent infrastructure to enable scientific collaboration for the Office of Science through real-world usage for Magnetic Fusion Energy (MFE) Research. An early adopter of the “Grid” tools, FusionGrid computational services were deployed with an architecture that is today more akin to Cloud Computing. Collaborative visualization was also a component of the research including some early work on tiled displays. Major components of these tools are still in use within the MFE community today.
The FusionGrid web site has been archived and is now password protected. For access contact the webmaster.
A list of presentations and publications created by the project team is listed below.
Presentations (60 Total)
Collaboratory Overview:
23 viewgraph project overview aimed at the fusion scientist community.
34 viewgraph project overview aimed at the computer scientist community.
1 viewgraph project overview.
21st IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering 2005 (Knoxville, TN,
September 26-29, 2005)
D. P. Schissel, et al., Advances in Remote Participation for Fusion
Experimental Facilities
[Oral Presentation]
10th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental
Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS) (Geneva, Switzerland, 2005)
M. Greenwald, et al., Visions for Data Management and Remote Collaboration
[Oral Presentation]
5th Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments (WACE)
(September 8-9, 2005, Redmond, Washington)
G. Abla, et al., Shared Display Wall Based Collaboration Environment in
the Control Room of the DIII-D National Fusion Facility
[Oral Presentation]
5th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote
Participation for Fusion Research (Budapest, Hungary, July 12-15, 2005)
G. Abla, et al., Advanced Tools for Enhancing Control Room
[Oral Presentation]
G. Abla, et al., Advanced Tools for Enhancing Control Room
[Poster Presentation]
J. R. Burruss, et al., Security on the U. S. Fusion Grid
[Oral Presentation]
J. R. Burruss, et al., Security on the U. S. Fusion Grid
[Poster Presentation]
D. P. Schissel for the Collaboratory Team, The Collaborative Tokamak
Control Room
[Oral Presentation]
D. H. Minor and J. R. Burruss, Distributed MDSplus Database Performance
with Linux Clusters
[Poster Presentation]
Toward an Integrated Plasma Simulation (Oak Ridge, TN, Nov.
7-9, 2005)
J. R. Burruss and D. P. Schissel, Thoughts on Data Management
[Oral Presentation]
14th IEEE Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing
(Research Triangle Park, NC, July 24-27, 2005)
J. R. Burruss, et al., Resource Oriented Authorization Manager (ROAM)
[Poster Presentation]
3rd Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments
(CLADE) (Research Triangle Park, NC, July 24, 2005)
J. R. Burruss, et al., Simplifying FusionGrid Security
[Oral Presentation]
2005 DOE SciDAC PI Meeting (San Francisco, CA, June 26-30, 2005)
D. P. Schissel, Advances in the Real-Time Interpretation of Fusion
[Poster Presentation]
C.M. Greenfield, Advanced Tokamak Research at the DIII-D National Fusion
Facility in Support of ITER
[Poster Presentation]
Grid Performance Workshop (Edinburgh, Scotland, June 22-23, 2005)
J. R. Burruss, et al., Grid Performance and Fusion Science
[Oral Presentation]
PSACI PAC Review 2005 (Princeton, NJ, June 2-3, 2005)
D. P. Schissel, Collaboration for Fusion Science
[Oral Presentation]
5th Access Grid Retreat (San Francisco, CA, April 26-28, 2005)
G. Abla, Advanced Collaboration and Remote Participation Tools for Nuclear
Fusion Research
[Oral Presentation]
46th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics (Savannah,
GA, November 15-19, 2004)
D. P. Schissel, Grid Computing and Collaboration Technology in Support
of Fusion Energy Sciences
[Oral Presentation]
23rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (Venice, Italy, September 20-24,
D. P. Schissel, et al., Advances in Remote Participation for Fusion
[Oral Presentation]
D. P. Schissel, et al., Advances in Remote Participation for Fusion
[Poster Presentation]
14th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy
(Madison, WI, September 14-16, 2004)
J. R. Burruss, et al., Developments in Remote Collaboration and
[Oral Presentation]
4th Access Grid Retreat (Toronto, Canada, June 11, 2004)
M. E. Papka, The DOE National Fusion Collaboratory
[Oral Presentation]
2nd Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments
(CLADE) (Honolulu, Hawaii, June 7, 2004)
D. P. Schissel, K. Keahey, et al., Grids for Experimental Science: The
Virtual Control Room
[Oral Presentation]
PSACI PAC Review 2004 (Princeton, NJ, June 3-4, 2004)
D. P. Schissel, The National Fusion Collaboratory Project
[Oral Presentation]
April APS Meeting (Denver, CO, May 1-4, 2004)
M. Greenwald, et al., National Fusion Collaboratory: Grid Computing for
Simulations and Experiments
[Oral Presentation]
2004 DOE SciDAC PI Meeting (Charleston, SC, March 22-24, 2004)
D. P. Schissel, The National Fusion Collaboratory Project
[Oral Presentation]
D. P. Schissel, The National Fusion Collaboratory Project
[Poster Presentation]
Workshop on Case Studies on Grid Applications (Berlin, Germany,
March 13, 2004)
K. Keahey and D.P. Schissel, The National Fusion Collaboratory Project:
Grid Technology for Magnetic Fusion Research
[Oral Presentation]
ITER-Grid Technology Demonstrations (Arlington, VA, December 20,
D. P. Schissel The National Fusion Collaboratory Project
[Oral Presentation]
SuperComputing 2003 (Phoenix, AZ, November 15 - 21, 2003)
D. P. Schissel for the Collaboratory Team, The NFC Project: Status
[Oral Presentation]
PSACI PAC Review 2003 (Princeton, NJ, June 5-6, 2003)
D. P. Schissel for the Collaboratory Team, The NFC Project: Status
[Oral Presentation>]
4th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition, and Remote
Participation for Fusion Research (San Diego, CA, July 21-23, 2003)
J. R. Burruss, et al., Remote Computing on the National Fusion Grid
[Oral Presentation]
S. Flanagan, et al., A General Purpose Data Analysis Monitoring System with
Case Studies from the National Fusion Grid and the DIII-D MDSplus between
Pulse Analysis System
[Oral Presentation]
I. Judson, et al., Collaboration Technology for the Fusion Community
[Oral Presentation]
K. Keahey, et al., Enabling Science: Current and Future Trends in Grid
[Oral Presentation]
D. P. Schissel for the Collaboratory Team, Building the U. S. National
Fusion Grid: The National Fusion Collaboratory Project
[Oral Presentation]
Immersive Projection Technology Workshop (IPT) (Zurich, Switzerland,
May 22-23, 2003)
G. Wallace, Color Gamut Matching for Tiled Display Walls
[Oral Presentation]
2003 Joint US-European Transport Task Force Meeting (Madison, WI,
April 2-5, 2003)
D. P. Schissel, Building the National Fusion Grid
[Oral Presentation]
2003 Conference for Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics
(La Jolla, CA, March 24-28, 2003)
M. Thompson, Fine-grained Authorization for Job and Resource Management
using Akenti and Globus
[Oral Presentation]
ESnet Steering Committee Meeting (Bethesda, MD, March 19, 2003)
M. J. Greenwald, The National Fusion Collaboratory Project
[Oral Presentation]
2003 DOE SciDAC PI Meeting (Napa, CA, March 10-11, 2003)
D. P. Schissel, The National Fusion Collaboratory Project
[Poster Presentation]
D. P. Schissel (presented by R. Bair), Collaboratories Overview
[Oral Presentation]
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
(San Diego, CA, February 10-13, 2003)
D. P. Schissel, Minisymposium on Plasma Physics and Computer Science: The
National Fusion Collaboratory
[Oral Presentation]
GlobusWorld 2003 (San Diego, CA, January 13 - 17, 2003)
Q. Peng, National Fusion Collaboratory: Building the FusionGrid
[Poster Presentation]
SuperComputing 2002 (Baltimore, MD, November 16 - 22, 2002)
D. P. Schissel, Overview: National Fusion Collaboratory
[Oral Presentation]
IEEE Visualization 2002 Workshop on Commodity-Based Visualization
Clusters (Boston, MA, Oct 27 - Nov 1, 2002)
G. Wallace, Display Wall Cluster Management
[Oral Presentation]
DOE High Performance Network Planning Workshop (Reston, VA,
August 13-15, 2002)
D. P. Schissel, Fusion Energy Sciences Networking: Discussion of Future
[Oral Presentation]
Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments (WACE) (Edinburgh,
UK, July 26, 2002)
D. P. Schissel, An Advanced Collaborative Environment to Enhance Fusion
[Oral Presentation]
GGF5: Advanced Collaborative Environments - RG (Edinburgh, UK,
July 22, 2002)
D. P. Schissel, Experiences of the National Fusion Collaboratory
[Oral Presentation]
NeSC Workshop on Applications and Testbeds on the Grid (Glasgow,
UK, July 20, 2002)
K. Keahey, Taming of the Grid: Lessons Learned in the NFC
[Oral Presentation]
EFDA-JET Programme (Abingdon, UK, July 19, 2002)
D. P. Schissel for the Collaboratory Team, The NFC Project: Status
[Oral Presentation]
PSACI PAC Review (Princeton, NJ, June 3-4, 2002)
D. P. Schissel for the Collaboratory Team, The NFC Project: Status
[Oral Presentation]
Integrated Simulation and Optimization of Fusion Systems Workshop
(ISOFS) (San Diego, CA, May 23, 2002)
D. P. Schissel, Results from the National Fusion Collaboratory.
[Oral Presentation]
US-Korea Bilaterial Advanced Physics and Control Collaboration
Meeting (San Diego, CA, April 11-13, 2002)
D. P. Schissel, The US Fusion Collaboratory
[Oral Presentation]
2002 Access Grid Retreat (San Diego, CA, March 4-5, 2002)
D. P. Schissel, Thoughts on Integrating AG Technology into the U. S.
MFE Program.
[Oral Presentation]
SciDAC PIs Meeting (Reston, VA, Janauary 15-17, 2002)
D. P. Schissel for the Collaboratory Team, The National Fusion
[Oral Presentation]
D. P. Schissel, Panel on Network Performance, Networks and the
[Oral Presentation]
National Collaboratories PI's Roundtable via AG Nodes
(November 30, 2001)
D. P. Schissel for the Collaboratory Team, The National Fusion
[Oral Presentation]
Publications (57 Total)
Executive Summary
A two page summary of the project
Collaborative Technologies for Distributed Science: Fusion Energy
and High-Energy Physics
D. P. Schissel, Published in the Proceedings of the 2006 ScIDAC
A Framework for Exploring Numerical Solutions of
Advection-Reaction-Diffusion Equations Using a GPU-Based Approach
A.R. Sanderson, Computing and Visualization in Science, published on-line (2006)
Advanced Reaction-Diffusion Models for Texture Synthesis
A.R. Sanderson, accepted for Journal of Graphics Tools Vol. 11, No. 3, 47-71 (2006).
ROAM: An Authorization Manager for Grids
J. R. Burruss, T. W. Fredian, M. R. Thompson, Journal of Grid Computing, Vol. 4, No. 4, 413-423 (2006)
Advances in Remote Participation for Fusion Experiments
D. P. Schissel, Fusion Engineering and Design 74 (2005) 803.
Visions for Data Management and Remote Collaboration on ITER
M. Greenwald, D. P. Schissel, J. R. Burruss, T. Fredian, J. Lister, J.
Stillerman, proceddings of the 10th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Geneva, Switzerland (2005).
Shared Display Wall Based Collaboration Environment in the Control
Room of the DIII-D National Fusion Facility
G. Abla, et al., Published in the The Fifth Annual Workshop on Advanced
Collaborative Environments (2005)
Advanced Tools for Enhancing Control Room Collaborations
G. Abla, et al., The 5th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition,
and Remote Participation for Fusion Research.
Fusion Engineering and Design 81, (2006)
Security on the U. S. Fusion Grid
J. R. Burruss, T. W. Fredian, M. R. Thompson,
The 5th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data
Acquisition, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research.
Fusion Engineering and Design 81, (2006)
Distributed MDSplus Database Performance with Linux Clusters
D. H. Minor and J. R. Burruss, The 5th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control,
Data Acquisition, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research.
Fusion Engineering and Design 81, (2006)
The Collaborative Tokamak Control Room
D. P. Schissel, et al., The 5th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data
Acquisition, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research, Fusion Engineering and Design 81, (2006) 2031-2037
Simplifying FusionGrid Security
J. R. Burruss, T. W. Fredian, M. R. Thompson,
Proc. Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed
Environments, 95-105, (2005)
The Resource Oriented Authorization Manager (ROAM)
J. R. Burruss, Proc. 14th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance
Distributed Computing, 308-309, (2005)
Advanced Tokamak Research at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility in Support of ITER
C. M. Greenfield, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 16, 586-590 (2005).
Advances in the Real-Time Interpretation of Fusion Experiments
D.P. Schissel, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 16, 49-53 (2005).
Dynamics of the Major Disruption of a DIII-D Plasma
S.E. Kruger, et al., Physics of Plasmas 12, 056113 (2005).
Service-Oriented Science
I. Foster
Science Magazine, Vol 308, Issue 5723, 814-817, 6 May 2005.
Tools and Applications for Large-Scale Display Walls
G. Wallace, et al., IEEE Computer Graphics &
Applications, 25, 4, 24-33, (July 2005)
Dynamic Scalable Visualization for Collaborative Scientific Applications
K. Li, et al., Proceedings of The Next Generation Software Workshop, Denver CO, April 2005.
Memory Performance Optimizations For Real-Time Software HDTV Decoding
H. Chen, et al., The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 21, 2,
193-207, (2005)
Automatic Alignment of Tiled Displays for a Desktop Environment
G. Wallace, et al., Journal of Software. 15(12): 1776-1786. December 2004.
Grid Computing and Collaboration Technology in Support of Fusion Energy Sciences
D.P. Schissel, et al.,
Physics of Plasmas 12, 058104 (2005).
Display of Vector Fields Using a Reaction-Diffusion Model
A.R. Sanderson, et al., The 2004 IEEE Visualization Conference
Proceedings of IEEE Visuallization, 115-122 (2004)
Advances in Remote Participation for Fusion Experiments
D.P. Schissel, et al., The 23rd Symposium on Fusion Technology
Fusion Engineering and Design, 74, 803 (2005)
Providing Data Transfer with QoS as Agreement-Based Service
H. Zhang, et al., Published in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Services Computing (2004).
Agreement Based Interactions for Experimental Science
K. Keahey et al., Published in the Proceedings of Europar 2004 (2004).
Developments in Remote Collaboration and Computation
J. R. Burruss, et al., The 14th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy
Fusion Science and Technology, 47, 3, 814 (2005).
A MultiCursor X Window Manager Supporting Control Room Collaboration
G. Wallace, et al., Princeton University, Computer Science, Technical Report TR-707-05,
July 2004.
Grids for Experimental Science: The Virtual Control Room
K. Keahey, et al., Proceedings of the CLADE 2004 Workshop
The National Fusion Collaboratory Project
D.P. Schissel, Proceedings of the 2004 DOE SciDAC PI Meeting
The National Fusion Collaboratory Project: Applying Grid Technology for Magnetic Fusion Research
D.P. Schissel, et al., Proceedings of the Workshop on Case Studies on Grid Applications at GGF10 (2004).
Remote Computing on the National Fusion Grid
J. R. Burruss, et al., The 4th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition,
and Remote Participation for Fusion Research.
Fusion Engineering and Design 71 (2004) 251-255
A General Purpose Data Analysis Monitoring System with Case Studies
from the National Fusion Grid and the DIII-D MDSplus between Pulse Analysis System
S. Flanagan, et al., The 4th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition,
and Remote Participation for Fusion Research.
Fusion Engineering and Design 71 (2004) 263-267
Building the U.S. National Fusion Grid: Results from the National Fusion Collaboratory Project
D.P. Schissel, et al., The 4th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition,
and Remote Participation for Fusion Research.
Fusion Engineering and Design 71 (2004) 245-250
Fine-Grained Authorization for Job Execution in the Grid: Design and Implementation
K. Keahey, et al., Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 16 (5), 477-488 (2004).
DeskAlign: Automatically Aligning a Tiled Windows Desktop
G. Wallace, et al., Published in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on
Projector-Camera Systems (PROCAMS), October 2003.
Fine Grain Authorization Policies in the Grid: Design and Implementation
K. Keahey, Proceedings of the Middleware 2003 Conference
National Fusion Collaboratory - Advancing the Science of Fusion Research
D.P. Schissel, Proceedings of the 2003 DOE SciDAC PI Meeting
Fine-grained Authorization for Job and Resource Management using Akenti and Globus
M. Thompson, Proceedings of the 2003 Conference for Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics
Taming the Grid: Virtual Application Services
K. Keahey and K. Motawi, ANL Technical Memorandum ANL/MCS-TM-262 (2003).
Color Gamut Matching for Tiled Display Walls
G. Wallace, et al., Proceedings of the Immersive Projection Technology Workshop (IPT), May 2003.
Fine-Grain Authorization for Resource Management in the Grid Environment
K. Keahey and V. Welch, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Grid Computing, 2002
Scalable Alignment of Large-Format Multi-Projector Displays Using Camera Homography Trees
H. Chen, et al., Published in the Proceedings of IEEE Visualization (VIZ), October 2002.
Display Wall Cluster Management
G. Wallace, Published in the Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2002 Workshop on
Commodity-Based Visualization Clusters, October 2002.
Fusion Energy Sciences Networking: A Discussion of Future Requirements
D.P. Schissel, M.J. Greenwald, W.E. Johnston,
DOE High Performance Network Planning Workshop, 2002.
Memory Performance Optimizations for Real-Time Software HDTV Decoding
H. Chen, et al., Published in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, August 2002.
An Advanced Collaborative Environment to Enhance Magnetic Fusion Research
D.P. Schissel for the National Fusion Collaboratory Project,
Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments, 2002.
Data Management, Code Deployment, and Scientific Visualization to Enhance Scientific
Discovery in Fusion Research through Advanced Computing
D.P. Schissel, et al., The 3rd IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition,
and Remote Participation for Fusion Research.
Fusion Engineering and Design 60 (2002) 481-486
MDSplus, Current Developments and Future Directions
T.W. Fredian and J.A. Stillerman, The 3rd IAEA Technical Meeting on
Control, Data Acquisition, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research.
Fusion Engineering and Design 60 (2002) 229-233
Collaborative Remote Visualization
J. Simpson,et al., In the Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM SC2002 Conference,
Baltimore, Maryland, November, 2002.
Development of Cluster-based Image Viewer
J. Binns, M. Papka, R. Stevens, Q. Peng, D. Schissel,
submitted to High Performance Distrubuted Computing Conference, 2002.
GridMapper: A Tool for Visualizing the Behavior of Large-Scale Distributed Systems
W. Allcock, J. Bester, J. Bresnahan, I. Foster, J. Gawor, J. Insley,
J. Link, M. Papka,
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed
Computing HPDC-11, 179-188 (2002).
A Parallel Ultra-High Resolution MPEG-2 Video Decoder for PC Cluster Based Tiled Display System
H. Chen, et al., Published in the Proceedings of International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (2002).
Improving Progressive View-Dependent Isosurface Propagation
Z. Liu, et al., Computers and Graphics, 26 (2): 209-218 (2002).
Experiences with Scalability of Display Walls
H. Chen, et al., Published in the Proceedings of the 7th Annual Immersive Projection Technology Symposium (2002).
Calibrating Scalable Multi-Projector Displays Using Camera Homography Trees
H. Chen, et al., Published in the Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2001).
Parallel Rendering with K-Way Replication
R. Samanta, et al., Published in the Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Parallel and
Large-Data Visualization and Graphics (2001).
Data Distribution Strategies for High-Resolution Displays
H. Chen, et al., Computers & Graphics, 25(5):811-818 (2001).
Computational Grids in Action: The National Fusion Collaboratory
K. Keahey, et al.
Future Generation Computing Systems,
18, 8, 1005-1015 (2001)
Software Environments for Cluster-based Display Systems
Y. Chen, et al., Published in the Proceedings of the First IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid (2001).
Progressive View-Dependent Isosurface Propagation
Z. Liu, et al., Published in the Proceedings of the IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization (2001).